środa, 21 marca 2018

Susan Sontag (On Photography) | I see!

Susan Sontag (On Photography) | I see! - by Miles - WordPress.com

6 sty 2014 - It is best explained in her example that follows: 'Alfred Stieglitz proudly reports that he stood for three hours during a blizzard on February 22, 1893, “awaiting the proper moment” to take his celebrated picture, “Fifth Avenue , Winter.” The proper moment is when one can see things (especially what everyone ...

1893 ('Winter on Fifth Avenue' – Alfred Stieglitz) | Photographs ...




Bibliophilia on. Marie CurieChemistryGearsNotesBoxRadiologyGeiger CounterFemmes FortesInventors. Marie Curie's experimental notebook - which after almost a hundred years, is still radioactive. Her notes and books can only be handled safely using radiation gear and are stored in lead lined boxes.They will continue ...

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