piątek, 6 kwietnia 2018

Fwd: PNAS Latest Articles for April 4, 2018

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From: <pnas-mailer@alerts.highwire.org>
Date: Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 12:27 AM
Subject: PNAS Latest Articles for April 4, 2018
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com

Letters (Online Only)


Physical Sciences
Applied Mathematics
Multiscale mixing patterns in networks 
Leto Peel, Jean-Charles Delvenne, and Renaud Lambiotte
Applied Physical Sciences
Thermodynamic limits of energy harvesting from outgoing thermal radiation
Siddharth Buddhiraju, Parthiban Santhanam, and Shanhui Fan
Dramatic pressure-sensitive ion conduction in conical nanopores
Laetitia Jubin, Anthony Poggioli, Alessandro Siria, and Lydéric Bocquet
Biophysics and Computational Biology
Cell contraction induces long-ranged stress stiffening in the extracellular matrix
Yu Long Han, Pierre Ronceray, Guoqiang Xu, Andrea Malandrino, Roger D. Kamm, Martin Lenz, Chase P. Broedersz, and Ming Guo
Roll maneuvers are essential for active reorientation of Caenorhabditis elegans in 3D media
Alejandro Bilbao, Amar K. Patel, Mizanur Rahman, Siva A. Vanapalli, and Jerzy Blawzdziewicz
Accurate and sensitive quantification of protein-DNA binding affinity 
Chaitanya Rastogi, H. Tomas Rube, Judith F. Kribelbauer, Justin Crocker, Ryan E. Loker, Gabriella D. Martini, Oleg Laptenko, William A. Freed-Pastor, Carol Prives, David L. Stern, Richard S. Mann, and Harmen J. Bussemaker
Robust, linear correlations between growth rates and β-lactam–mediated lysis rates
Anna J. Lee, Shangying Wang, Hannah R. Meredith, Bihan Zhuang, Zhuojun Dai, and Lingchong You
Molecular excitonic seesaws
Philipp Wilhelm, Jakob Schedlbauer, Florian Hinderer, Daniel Hennen, Sigurd Höger, Jan Vogelsang, and John M. Lupton
Precise characterization of KRAS4b proteoforms in human colorectal cells and tumors reveals mutation/modification cross-talk
Ioanna Ntai, Luca Fornelli, Caroline J. DeHart, Josiah E. Hutton, Peter F. Doubleday, Richard D. LeDuc, Alexandra J. van Nispen, Ryan T. Fellers, Gordon Whiteley, Emily S. Boja, Henry Rodriguez, and Neil L. Kelleher
Direct electrochemical observation of glucosidase activity in isolated single lysosomes from a living cell 
Rongrong Pan, Mingchen Xu, James D. Burgess, Dechen Jiang, and Hong-Yuan Chen
Label-free and charge-sensitive dynamic imaging of lipid membrane hydration on millisecond time scales 
Orly B. Tarun, Christof Hannesschläger, Peter Pohl, and Sylvie Roke
Structural characterization of a non-heme iron active site in zeolites that hydroxylates methane
Benjamin E. R. Snyder, Lars H. Böttger, Max L. Bols, James J. Yan, Hannah M. Rhoda, Ariel B. Jacobs, Michael Y. Hu, Jiyong Zhao, E. Ercan Alp, Britt Hedman, Keith O. Hodgson, Robert A. Schoonheydt, Bert F. Sels, and Edward I. Solomon
Computer Sciences
Word embeddings quantify 100 years of gender and ethnic stereotypes
Nikhil Garg, Londa Schiebinger, Dan Jurafsky, and James Zou
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Seagrass habitat metabolism increases short-term extremes and long-term offset of CO2 under future ocean acidification
Stephen R. Pacella, Cheryl A. Brown, George G. Waldbusser, Rochelle G. Labiosa, and Burke Hales
Constraining the climate and ocean pH of the early Earth with a geological carbon cycle model 
Joshua Krissansen-Totton, Giada N. Arney, and David C. Catling
Critical impact of vegetation physiology on the continental hydrologic cycle in response to increasing CO2 
Léo Lemordant, Pierre Gentine, Abigail S. Swann, Benjamin I. Cook, and Jacob Scheff
Topological order in the pseudogap metal
Mathias S. Scheurer, Shubhayu Chatterjee, Wei Wu, Michel Ferrero, Antoine Georges, and Subir Sachdev
Soft self-assembly of Weyl materials for light and sound
Michel Fruchart, Seung-Yeol Jeon, Kahyun Hur, Vadim Cheianov, Ulrich Wiesner, and Vincenzo Vitelli
Fluctuations uncover a distinct class of traveling waves 
Gabriel Birzu, Oskar Hallatschek, and Kirill S. Korolev
Mechanosensitivity of Jagged–Notch signaling can induce a switch-type behavior in vascular homeostasis 
Sandra Loerakker, Oscar M. J. A. Stassen, Fleur M. ter Huurne, Marcelo Boareto, Carlijn V. C. Bouten, and Cecilia M. Sahlgren
Sustainability Science

Social Sciences
Hominin skeletal part abundances and claims of deliberate disposal of corpses in the Middle Pleistocene
Charles P. Egeland, Manuel Domínguez-Rodrigo, Travis Rayne Pickering, Colin G. Menter, and Jason L. Heaton
Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
The computational form of craving is a selective multiplication of economic value 
Anna B. Konova, Kenway Louie, and Paul W. Glimcher
Social Sciences
Word embeddings quantify 100 years of gender and ethnic stereotypes
Nikhil Garg, Londa Schiebinger, Dan Jurafsky, and James Zou
Sustainability Science

Biological Sciences
Human bony labyrinth is an indicator of population history and dispersal from Africa 
Marcia S. Ponce de León, Toetik Koesbardiati, John David Weissmann, Marco Milella, Carlos S. Reyna-Blanco, Gen Suwa, Osamu Kondo, Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas, Tim D. White, and Christoph P. E. Zollikofer
Hip extensor mechanics and the evolution of walking and climbing capabilities in humans, apes, and fossil hominins 
Elaine E. Kozma, Nicole M. Webb, William E. H. Harcourt-Smith, David A. Raichlen, Kristiaan D'Août, Mary H. Brown, Emma M. Finestone, Stephen R. Ross, Peter Aerts, and Herman Pontzer
Applied Biological Sciences
Complete biosynthesis of noscapine and halogenated alkaloids in yeast
Yanran Li, Sijin Li, Kate Thodey, Isis Trenchard, Aaron Cravens, and Christina D. Smolke
Molecular structural diversity of mitochondrial cardiolipins 
Gregor Oemer, Katharina Lackner, Katharina Muigg, Gerhard Krumschnabel, Katrin Watschinger, Sabrina Sailer, Herbert Lindner, Erich Gnaiger, Saskia B. Wortmann, Ernst R. Werner, Johannes Zschocke, and Markus A. Keller
Observation of acetyl phosphate formation in mammalian mitochondria using real-time in-organelle NMR metabolomics
Wen Jun Xu, He Wen, Han Sun Kim, Yoon-Joo Ko, Seung-Mo Dong, In-Sun Park, Jong In Yook, and Sunghyouk Park
Precise characterization of KRAS4b proteoforms in human colorectal cells and tumors reveals mutation/modification cross-talk
Ioanna Ntai, Luca Fornelli, Caroline J. DeHart, Josiah E. Hutton, Peter F. Doubleday, Richard D. LeDuc, Alexandra J. van Nispen, Ryan T. Fellers, Gordon Whiteley, Emily S. Boja, Henry Rodriguez, and Neil L. Kelleher
Oversized galactosides as a probe for conformational dynamics in LacY
Irina Smirnova, Vladimir Kasho, Xiaoxu Jiang, Hong-Ming Chen, Stephen G. Withers, and H. Ronald Kaback
Biophysics and Computational Biology
Cell contraction induces long-ranged stress stiffening in the extracellular matrix
Yu Long Han, Pierre Ronceray, Guoqiang Xu, Andrea Malandrino, Roger D. Kamm, Martin Lenz, Chase P. Broedersz, and Ming Guo
Roll maneuvers are essential for active reorientation of Caenorhabditis elegans in 3D media
Alejandro Bilbao, Amar K. Patel, Mizanur Rahman, Siva A. Vanapalli, and Jerzy Blawzdziewicz
Spatial organization and dynamics of RNase E and ribosomes in Caulobacter crescentus
Camille A. Bayas, Jiarui Wang, Marissa K. Lee, Jared M. Schrader, Lucy Shapiro, and W. E. Moerner
Accurate and sensitive quantification of protein-DNA binding affinity 
Chaitanya Rastogi, H. Tomas Rube, Judith F. Kribelbauer, Justin Crocker, Ryan E. Loker, Gabriella D. Martini, Oleg Laptenko, William A. Freed-Pastor, Carol Prives, David L. Stern, Richard S. Mann, and Harmen J. Bussemaker
Label-free and charge-sensitive dynamic imaging of lipid membrane hydration on millisecond time scales 
Orly B. Tarun, Christof Hannesschläger, Peter Pohl, and Sylvie Roke
Microbes vs. chemistry in the origin of the anaerobic gut lumen
Elliot S. Friedman, Kyle Bittinger, Tatiana V. Esipova, Likai Hou, Lillian Chau, Jack Jiang, Clementina Mesaros, Peder J. Lund, Xue Liang, Garret A. FitzGerald, Mark Goulian, Daeyeon Lee, Benjamin A. Garcia, Ian A. Blair, Sergei A. Vinogradov, and Gary D. Wu
Mechanosensitivity of Jagged–Notch signaling can induce a switch-type behavior in vascular homeostasis 
Sandra Loerakker, Oscar M. J. A. Stassen, Fleur M. ter Huurne, Marcelo Boareto, Carlijn V. C. Bouten, and Cecilia M. Sahlgren
Cell Biology
Myosin IIA interacts with the spectrin-actin membrane skeleton to control red blood cell membrane curvature and deformability
Alyson S. Smith, Roberta B. Nowak, Sitong Zhou, Michael Giannetto, David S. Gokhin, Julien Papoin, Ionita C. Ghiran, Lionel Blanc, Jiandi Wan, and Velia M. Fowler
Direct electrochemical observation of glucosidase activity in isolated single lysosomes from a living cell 
Rongrong Pan, Mingchen Xu, James D. Burgess, Dechen Jiang, and Hong-Yuan Chen
Increased autophagy blocks HER2-mediated breast tumorigenesis 
Silvia Vega-Rubín-de-Celis, Zhongju Zou, Álvaro F. Fernández, Bo Ci, Min Kim, Guanghua Xiao, Yang Xie, and Beth Levine
Insight from the maximal activation of the signal transduction excitable network in Dictyostelium discoideum 
Marc Edwards, Huaqing Cai, Bedri Abubaker-Sharif, Yu Long, Thomas J. Lampert, and Peter N. Devreotes
Developmental Biology
Transient fibrosis resolves via fibroblast inactivation in the regenerating zebrafish heart 
Héctor Sánchez-Iranzo, María Galardi-Castilla, Andrés Sanz-Morejón, Juan Manuel González-Rosa, Ricardo Costa, Alexander Ernst, Julio Sainz de Aja, Xavier Langa, and Nadia Mercader
Evolutionary emergence of the rac3b/rfng/sgca regulatory cluster refined mechanisms for hindbrain boundaries formation
Joaquín Letelier, Javier Terriente, Ivan Belzunce, Adria Voltes, Cristian Alberto Undurraga, Rocio Polvillo, Lucie Devos, Juan J. Tena, Ignacio Maeso, Sylvie Retaux, José Luis Gomez-Skarmeta, Juan R. Martínez-Morales, and Cristina Pujades
Seagrass habitat metabolism increases short-term extremes and long-term offset of CO2 under future ocean acidification
Stephen R. Pacella, Cheryl A. Brown, George G. Waldbusser, Rochelle G. Labiosa, and Burke Hales
Fluctuations uncover a distinct class of traveling waves 
Gabriel Birzu, Oskar Hallatschek, and Kirill S. Korolev
Impact of the tree prior on estimating clock rates during epidemic outbreaks 
Simon Möller, Louis du Plessis, and Tanja Stadler
Transcriptional mutagenesis mediated by 8-oxoG induces translational errors in mammalian cells
Da-Peng Dai, Wei Gan, Hiroshi Hayakawa, Jia-Lou Zhu, Xiu-Qing Zhang, Guo-Xin Hu, Tao Xu, Zhe-Li Jiang, Li-Qun Zhang, Xue-Da Hu, Ben Nie, Yue Zhou, Jin Li, Xiao-Yang Zhou, Jian Li, Tie-Mei Zhang, Qing He, Dong-Ge Liu, Hai-Bo Chen, Nan Yang, Ping-Ping Zuo, Zhi-Xin Zhang, Huan-Ming Yang, Yao Wang, Samuel H. Wilson, Yi-Xin Zeng, Jian-Ye Wang, Mutsuo Sekiguchi, and Jian-Ping Cai
High-accuracy lagging-strand DNA replication mediated by DNA polymerase dissociation
Katarzyna H. Maslowska, Karolina Makiela-Dzbenska, Jin-Yao Mo, Iwona J. Fijalkowska, and Roel M. Schaaper
Autochthonous tumors driven by Rb1 loss have an ongoing requirement for the RBP2 histone demethylase
Samuel K. McBrayer, Benjamin A. Olenchock, Gabriel J. DiNatale, Diana D. Shi, Januka Khanal, Rebecca B. Jennings, Jesse S. Novak, Matthew G. Oser, Alissa K. Robbins, Rebecca Modiste, Dennis Bonal, Javid Moslehi, Roderick T. Bronson, Donna Neuberg, Quang-De Nguyen, Sabina Signoretti, Julie-Aurore Losman, and William G. Kaelin Jr.
Immunology and Inflammation
Distinct MHC class I-like interacting invariant T cell lineage at the forefront of mycobacterial immunity uncovered in Xenopus
Eva-Stina Edholm, Maureen Banach, Kun Hyoe Rhoo, Martin S. Pavelka Jr., and Jacques Robert
Medical Sciences
FAM210A is a novel determinant of bone and muscle structure and strength
Ken-ichiro Tanaka, Yingben Xue, Loan Nguyen-Yamamoto, John A. Morris, Ippei Kanazawa, Toshitsugu Sugimoto, Simon S. Wing, J. Brent Richards, and David Goltzman
Interrelated role of Klotho and calcium-sensing receptor in parathyroid hormone synthesis and parathyroid hyperplasia
Yi Fan, Weiqing Liu, Ruiye Bi, Michael J. Densmore, Tadatoshi Sato, Michael Mannstadt, Quan Yuan, Xuedong Zhou, Hannes Olauson, Tobias E. Larsson, Hakan R. Toka, Martin R. Pollak, Edward M. Brown, and Beate Lanske
Targeting galectin-1 inhibits pancreatic cancer progression by modulating tumor–stroma crosstalk
Carlos A. Orozco, Neus Martinez-Bosch, Pedro E. Guerrero, Judith Vinaixa, Tomás Dalotto-Moreno, Mar Iglesias, Mireia Moreno, Magdolna Djurec, Françoise Poirier, Hans-Joachim Gabius, Martin E. Fernandez-Zapico, Rosa F. Hwang, Carmen Guerra, Gabriel A. Rabinovich, and Pilar Navarro
Ablation of insulin receptor substrates 1 and 2 suppresses Kras-driven lung tumorigenesis
He Xu, Min-Sik Lee, Pei-Yun Tsai, Ashley S. Adler, Natasha L. Curry, Saketh Challa, Elizaveta Freinkman, Daniel S. Hitchcock, Kyle D. Copps, Morris F. White, Roderick T. Bronson, Michael Marcotrigiano, Yaotang Wu, Clary B. Clish, and Nada Y. Kalaany
Intron retention induced by microsatellite expansions as a disease biomarker
Łukasz J. Sznajder, James D. Thomas, Ellie M. Carrell, Tammy Reid, Karen N. McFarland, John D. Cleary, Ruan Oliveira, Curtis A. Nutter, Kirti Bhatt, Krzysztof Sobczak, Tetsuo Ashizawa, Charles A. Thornton, Laura P. W. Ranum, and Maurice S. Swanson
Learned immunosuppressive placebo responses in renal transplant patients 
Julia Kirchhof, Liubov Petrakova, Alexandra Brinkhoff, Sven Benson, Justine Schmidt, Maike Unteroberdörster, Benjamin Wilde, Ted J. Kaptchuk, Oliver Witzke, and Manfred Schedlowski
Establishment of human pluripotent stem cell-derived pancreatic β-like cells in the mouse pancreas
Haiting Ma, Katherine J. Wert, Dmitry Shvartsman, Douglas A. Melton, and Rudolf Jaenisch
Superresolution microscopy reveals structural mechanisms driving the nanoarchitecture of a viral chromatin tether
Margaret J. Grant, Matthew S. Loftus, Aiola P. Stoja, Dean H. Kedes, and M. Mitchell Smith
Multiple nuclear-replicating viruses require the stress-induced protein ZC3H11A for efficient growth 
Shady Younis, Wael Kamel, Tina Falkeborn, Hao Wang, Di Yu, Robert Daniels, Magnus Essand, Jorma Hinkula, Göran Akusjärvi, and Leif Andersson
The Vibrio cholerae type VI secretion system can modulate host intestinal mechanics to displace gut bacterial symbionts
Savannah L. Logan, Jacob Thomas, Jinyuan Yan, Ryan P. Baker, Drew S. Shields, Joao B. Xavier, Brian K. Hammer, and Raghuveer Parthasarathy
Plasticity in early immune evasion strategies of a bacterial pathogen
Quentin Bernard, Alexis A. Smith, Xiuli Yang, Juraj Koci, Shelby D. Foor, Sarah D. Cramer, Xuran Zhuang, Jennifer E. Dwyer, Yi-Pin Lin, Emmanuel F. Mongodin, Adriana Marques, John M. Leong, Juan Anguita, and Utpal Pal
SAMHD1 suppresses innate immune responses to viral infections and inflammatory stimuli by inhibiting the NF-κB and interferon pathways
Shuliang Chen, Serena Bonifati, Zhihua Qin, Corine St. Gelais, Karthik M. Kodigepalli, Bradley S. Barrett, Sun Hee Kim, Jenna M. Antonucci, Katherine J. Ladner, Olga Buzovetsky, Kirsten M. Knecht, Yong Xiong, Jacob S. Yount, Denis C. Guttridge, Mario L. Santiago, and Li Wu
Ectopic neurogenesis induced by prenatal antiepileptic drug exposure augments seizure susceptibility in adult mice 
Atsuhiko Sakai, Taito Matsuda, Hiroyoshi Doi, Yukiko Nagaishi, Kiyoko Kato, and Kinichi Nakashima
Long-term in vivo recording of circadian rhythms in brains of freely moving mice
Long Mei, Yanyan Fan, Xiaohua Lv, David K. Welsh, Cheng Zhan, and Eric Erquan Zhang
Identification of long-lived synaptic proteins by proteomic analysis of synaptosome protein turnover
Seok Heo, Graham H. Diering, Chan Hyun Na, Raja Sekhar Nirujogi, Julia L. Bachman, Akhilesh Pandey, and Richard L. Huganir
Activation of AMPK by metformin improves withdrawal signs precipitated by nicotine withdrawal 
Julia K. Brynildsen, Bridgin G. Lee, Isaac J. Perron, Sunghee Jin, Sangwon F. Kim, and Julie A. Blendy
Plant Biology
Phytophthora palmivora establishes tissue-specific intracellular infection structures in the earliest divergent land plant lineage 
Philip Carella, Anna Gogleva, Marta Tomaselli, Carolin Alfs, and Sebastian Schornack
Negative regulator of E2F transcription factors links cell cycle checkpoint and DNA damage repair
Lili Wang, Hanchen Chen, Chongyang Wang, Zhenjie Hu, and Shunping Yan
Population Biology
Hybridization and gene flow in the mega-pest lineage of moth, Helicoverpa 
Craig J. Anderson, John G. Oakeshott, Wee Tek Tay, Karl H. J. Gordon, Andreas Zwick, and Tom K. Walsh
Systems Biology
Robust, linear correlations between growth rates and β-lactam–mediated lysis rates
Anna J. Lee, Shangying Wang, Hannah R. Meredith, Bihan Zhuang, Zhuojun Dai, and Lingchong You
Role of metabolic spatiotemporal dynamics in regulating biofilm colony expansion
Federico Bocci, Yoko Suzuki, Mingyang Lu, and José N. Onuchic


This message was sent to pascal.alter@gmail.com.
Copyright © 2018 by the National Academy of Sciences

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