poniedziałek, 29 stycznia 2018
Fwd: Krytyczny alert bezpieczeństwa
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Od: Google <no-reply@accounts.google.com>
Data: 29 stycznia 2018 07:49
Temat: Krytyczny alert bezpieczeńst
Do: ac....@gmail.com
Od: Google <no-reply@accounts.google.com>
Data: 29 stycznia 2018 07:49
Temat: Krytyczny alert bezpieczeńst
Do: ac....@gmail.com
Nota bene
PT Google naprawdę mnie zaskoczyło dzisiaj rano!
Otóż zostałem odnaleziony w miejscu w którym byłem
dopiero dwa - trzy dni - ale w pierwszym dniu (czwartek 25 stycznia 2018)
byłem ukryty perfekcyjnie: nic nie włączałem...
Jak to się stało - już domyślam się ; połączenie kontaktu starego z nowym..
Więcej nie mogę powiedzieć, ale jestem naprawdę pod wrażeniem wielkim!
Gratulacje - składam także sobie - bo to nie był zły pomysł połączenia
"starego z nowym.."
.(nie jestem taki głupi jednak...)
.(nie jestem taki głupi jednak...)
NOTABENE, 29 stycznia 2018 - 11:04
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From: <48536...@mms.play.pl>
Date: 2018-01-29 9:51 GMT+01:00
Subject: WIELKI TURNIEJ Carcassonne
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
From: <48536...@mms.play.pl>
Date: 2018-01-29 9:51 GMT+01:00
Subject: WIELKI TURNIEJ Carcassonne
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
Otrzymales wiadomosc multimedialna Text: PASJONACI EMOCJE i jeszcze raz emocje - w każdej grze przeważają. (Nb pokera nie znam) .. Dochodziła 18..w niedzielę 28 stycznia 2018 w Wojewódzkiej Bibliotece Publicznej w Kielcach. Zajrzałem tam jak wczoraj - żeby tylko popatrzeć. Turniej zorganizowano perfekcyjnie - na wielką skalę. .. W pierwszym dniu turnieju (sobota 27 stycznia) Biblioteka była wręcz oblężona przez dzieci z rodzicami i młodzież. Pierwszy raz się zdarzyło, że w szatni zabrakło miejsca na okrycia! Musiałem wejść do czytelni w kurtce (na ręku) - miałem tam bardzo istotne sprawy. .. Ale..wszędzie gdzie jestem uważnie obserwuję sytuację. W sobotę byłem jeszcze raz po południu, aby przyjrzeć się.. Nb - ze względów prawnych (dzieci!) - nie wykonywałem ujęć foto. W niedzielę tylko kilka komórką graczom jakby powiedzieć zaawansowanym. (...) Copyright © 2018 by Pascal Alter Kielce. All rights reserved |
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From: <48536...@mms.play.pl>
Date: 2018-01-29 9:32 GMT+01:00
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
From: <48536...@mms.play.pl>
Date: 2018-01-29 9:32 GMT+01:00
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
Otrzymales wiadomosc multimedialna Text: STRATEDZY Każda gr angażuje emocjonalnie. Te najlepsze wymagają koncentracji i rozwagi - maksymalnej. W Wojewódzkiej Bibliotece Publicznej w Kielcach już drugi dzień trwał WIELKI BÓJ PLANSZÓWKOWY.. Faktycznie - każda gra jest przede wszystkim walką. Copyright © 2018 by Pascal Alter Kielce. All rights reserved |
sobota, 27 stycznia 2018
Statement by the Prime Minister on International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Ottawa, Ontario
January 27, 2018
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day:
"Today, we mourn the more than six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust and the countless other victims of Nazi atrocities. We also honour the survivors still with us today, and pledge to keep their memories alive for generations to come.
"As the years pass, and Holocaust survivors become fewer, our task becomes even more urgent. We must never forget humanity's capacity for deliberate evil and destruction, and the dangers of anti-Semitism, indifference, and silence in the face of atrocity. Survivors' stories must be told, and retold.
"Words too often stand in the place of action. When we vow, 'Never again', we recommit ourselves to a world that goes beyond tolerance and learns to love its differences. We pledge to always speak out against racism and hate, and stand on guard against a resurgence of anti-Semitism and xenophobia.
"Today, I encourage Canadians to reflect on the bitter lessons of the Holocaust, and share the stories of those whose lives were tragically lost and those who survived the unspeakable. We must never forget."
"Today, we mourn the more than six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust and the countless other victims of Nazi atrocities. We also honour the survivors still with us today, and pledge to keep their memories alive for generations to come.
"As the years pass, and Holocaust survivors become fewer, our task becomes even more urgent. We must never forget humanity's capacity for deliberate evil and destruction, and the dangers of anti-Semitism, indifference, and silence in the face of atrocity. Survivors' stories must be told, and retold.
"Words too often stand in the place of action. When we vow, 'Never again', we recommit ourselves to a world that goes beyond tolerance and learns to love its differences. We pledge to always speak out against racism and hate, and stand on guard against a resurgence of anti-Semitism and xenophobia.
"Today, I encourage Canadians to reflect on the bitter lessons of the Holocaust, and share the stories of those whose lives were tragically lost and those who survived the unspeakable. We must never forget."
piątek, 26 stycznia 2018
Justin TrudeauKonto zweryfikowane @JustinTrudeau
Education is the key to empowering more women around the world. That's why we're supporting @GPforEducation and calling on men – in business and government – to do the same.
Wyświetlenia: 39,8 tys.
0:22 / 0:22
13:10 - 26 sty 2018
Fwd: Der Tag im Überblick: Trump-Rede in Davos, Koalitionsverhandlungen, Stuttgart 21
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SZ Espresso am Abend <newsletter@maileon.sueddeutsche.de>
Date: 2018-01-26 17:48 GMT+01:00
Subject: Der Tag im Überblick: Trump-Rede in Davos, Koalitionsverhandlungen, Stuttgart 21
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
From: SZ Espresso am Abend <newsletter@maileon.sueddeutsche.de>
Date: 2018-01-26 17:48 GMT+01:00
Subject: Der Tag im Überblick: Trump-Rede in Davos, Koalitionsverhandlungen, Stuttgart 21
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
czwartek, 25 stycznia 2018
Osiedle Legionów w Kielcach
- budowa aż miło patrzeć..
- budowa aż miło patrzeć..
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From: <48536556567@mms.play.pl>
Date: 2018-01-25 21:08 GMT+01:00
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
From: <48536556567@mms.play.pl>
Date: 2018-01-25 21:08 GMT+01:00
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
Otrzymales wiadomosc multimedialna Text: RESPEKT! Copyright © 2018 by Pascal Alter Kielce. All rights reserved |
wtorek, 23 stycznia 2018
Fwd: Newsletter - "Fluide Lage, legitime Interessen"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: German-Foreign-Policy.com <newsletter@german-foreign-policy.com>
Date: 2018-01-23 23:48 GMT+01:00
Subject: Newsletter - "Fluide Lage, legitime Interessen"
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
Newsletter - "Fluide Lage, legitime Interessen"
(Eigener Bericht) - Zusätzlich zur Ankündigung neuer Rüstungshilfen intensiviert Berlin ungeachtet des türkischen Überfalls auf Afrin die politische Kooperation mit Ankara. Vor wenigen Tagen haben die Regierungen beider Länder mit einem Treffen auf Staatssekretärsebene ihre regelmäßigen Konsultationen wieder aufgenommen. Man sei "in einem Prozess", der "die Beziehungen Schritt für Schritt verbessern" solle, verlautbart das Auswärtige Amt. Während Experten bestätigen, der Krieg der Türkei in Afrin, der nicht zuletzt mit deutschen Panzern geführt wird, sei ein völkerrechtswidriger Angriffskrieg, spricht das Auswärtige Amt von einer "fluiden Lage"; man müsse, erklärt ein Sprecher, "legitime Sicherheitsinteressen" Ankaras berücksichtigen. Kanzlerin Angela Merkel stellt ein baldiges EU-Treffen mit dem türkischen Staatspräsidenten in Aussicht, das einen EU-Türkei-Gipfel vorbereiten soll. EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger hat schon vor Jahren geurteilt, die geostrategische Bedeutung der Türkei für Berlin werde die Kanzlerin dereinst veranlassen, "auf Knien nach Ankara [zu] robben".
https://www.german-foreign- policy.com/news/detail/7510/
From: German-Foreign-Policy.com <newsletter@german-foreign-policy.com>
Date: 2018-01-23 23:48 GMT+01:00
Subject: Newsletter - "Fluide Lage, legitime Interessen"
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
Newsletter - "Fluide Lage, legitime Interessen"
(Eigener Bericht) - Zusätzlich zur Ankündigung neuer Rüstungshilfen intensiviert Berlin ungeachtet des türkischen Überfalls auf Afrin die politische Kooperation mit Ankara. Vor wenigen Tagen haben die Regierungen beider Länder mit einem Treffen auf Staatssekretärsebene ihre regelmäßigen Konsultationen wieder aufgenommen. Man sei "in einem Prozess", der "die Beziehungen Schritt für Schritt verbessern" solle, verlautbart das Auswärtige Amt. Während Experten bestätigen, der Krieg der Türkei in Afrin, der nicht zuletzt mit deutschen Panzern geführt wird, sei ein völkerrechtswidriger Angriffskrieg, spricht das Auswärtige Amt von einer "fluiden Lage"; man müsse, erklärt ein Sprecher, "legitime Sicherheitsinteressen" Ankaras berücksichtigen. Kanzlerin Angela Merkel stellt ein baldiges EU-Treffen mit dem türkischen Staatspräsidenten in Aussicht, das einen EU-Türkei-Gipfel vorbereiten soll. EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger hat schon vor Jahren geurteilt, die geostrategische Bedeutung der Türkei für Berlin werde die Kanzlerin dereinst veranlassen, "auf Knien nach Ankara [zu] robben".
Fwd:Lidl - ostni klient
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From: <48536@mms.play.pl>
Date: 2018-01-23 21:07 GMT+01:00
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
From: <48536@mms.play.pl>
Date: 2018-01-23 21:07 GMT+01:00
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
Otrzymales wiadomosc multimedialna Text: Ostatni klient . Copyright © 2018 by Pascal Alter Kielce. All rights reserved |
niedziela, 21 stycznia 2018
Pod wieczór
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From: <48536556567@mms.play.pl>
Date: 2018-01-21 21:45 GMT+01:00
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
From: <48536556567@mms.play.pl>
Date: 2018-01-21 21:45 GMT+01:00
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com
Text: KATEDRA Dopiero co wyszedłem z Dworku Lasczyków.. (...) "To było jak przesłanE STAMTĄD" - pomyślałem. ...bo było przesłąnie...- akurat zabrakło miejsca na karcie. W tym momencie miałem do dyspozycji tylko komórkę - moją poczciwą Nokię.. .. .. Copyright © 2018 by Pascal Alter Kielce. All rights reserved |
One year later, Women's March returns
Marchers filled streets in Washington and several other cites Saturday.
Washington (CNN)One year after women took to the streets in droves to protest President Donald Trump's inauguration, marchers are gathering again in cities across the country and around the world in a sharp rebuke of Trump's presidency and in continuation of a still-growing international movement.
This second year of the Women's March also comes in the middle of the #MeToo movement, which has shed light on sexual misconduct and ushered in social change in a bevy of industries. It also comes months ahead of the midterm elections in the United States, in which progressive women hope to turn their activism into victories at the ballot box.
In Washington, where one year ago hundreds of thousands of women clad in pink hats took to the streets and vowed to resist Trump's presidency, Heather Tucci said she didn't want to stay on the sidelines.
"Before Trump, I was content to sit back and watch the government just go by me. Now I'm not," Tucci, from Harford County, Maryland, told CNN. "It is dire that we do something because it is just ridiculous what is happening to this country, what people think about us around the world and just undermining the basic fundamentals of humanity and the constitution and what democracy should stand for."
A woman lifts her fist while holding a banner during a Women's March demonstration in Rome on Saturday.
Kelley Robinson, Planned Parenthood's national organizing director, told CNN that it's "nothing new for women to be involved in elections," but said that many women who marched last year had been spurred to run for office themselves.
"It's a time where we're not just showing up -- folks are saying that, 'Hey, we actually need to be sitting in those chairs,'" Robinson said. "You know, so everyone who was out in the airports rallying last year and marching in the streets, many of them are now sitting in state legislatures across the country. It's a powerful moment that we're in."
That movement, Robinson added, "is evolving into something more powerful every single day."
The protests did not go unnoticed by the White House. On Saturday, Trump tweeted that it's "a perfect day for all Women to March."
"Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March," Trump wrote. "Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!"
Marchers gathered across the country and around the world hours after much of the United States federal government shut down after members of Congress failed to reach an agreement on a spending measure, casting uncertainty over much of the nation. Marchers, however, stayed the course.
One of the largest demonstrations unfolded Saturday in Los Angeles.
Kathleen Whitehead and her 13-year-old daughter, Casey Feldman, arrived early to that march. Feldman carried a green sign that said, "Respect Existence or Expect Resistance."
"The battle against women and health care is killing us," Whitehead told CNN. "It is 2018. I am 46 years old. My mother had to do this battle. Why do I, why? We have gone the wrong way."
Gioconda Aviles came to the Los Angeles march with her 9-year-old twin daughters.
"I think women are more empowered this year," Aviles, who attended the march last year as well, told CNN. "I can't believe we have the president we have. I'm Latina, pushed to get Latinos to vote. Clearly we didn't do a good job. I think we need to make the difference in 2018."
A demonstrator holds a sign that reads "Here's To Strong Women" during the Women's March in Washington on Saturday.
June Williams and her hausband, Carlos, said their motivations for marching have shifted since the inaugural Women's March.
"Last year was, we were angry that a person can get into office with his record and past," Williams said of Trump. "Hey, there's a lot of us who don't agree. He's not our president. This year for me, it's about equal status for women. Without people getting out and voting, look what happens."
In Denver, Stephanie Rundick wore a bright pink tutu and carried a sign that read, "Hands off my TuTu."
"There is not a more important time in history than now for the future for both women and men in making a statement that these are not the principals our country was founded on," she told CNN.
People lined up on Central Park West as they waited for the start of Saturday's Women's March.
Leslie Prassas, 61, came to the Denver march from Fort Collins, Colorado. She missed the first Women's March, and said she wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with like minded people who oppose Trump.
"It's just unbelievable how it ever came to this. It's sad and it's scary"
In New York, march participants raised their middle fingers as they went past the Trump International Hotel.
Maura O'Meara, 47, of New Paltz, organized a group of women from the Hudson Valley area to travel to New York City together to participate in the March. She said her motivations for marching are largely the same as last year, when she traveled to DC, but have gained new urgency.
"We haven't been quiet since last year. We've been up and out trying to fight for the rights of women and the vulnerable," she said. "I actually have more hope now."
CNN's Sophie Tatum, Miguel Marquez, Kyung Lah, Alexander Marquardt, Sara Weisfeldt and Emanuella Grinberg contributed to this report.
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